The game has three main modes, being the original map, the arcade map, and the Crazy Box minigames (Which are impossible). Each map has four gameplay options: Arcade (Where you gain time with every customer), 3 minute, 5 minute, and 10 minute intervals.
You have a choice of four drivers (All of them look like they deal hard drugs in Tampa) and each car has its own advantages and disadvantages. The point of the game is to pick up people and drive them to their destinations. If you've played Simpson Road Rage, its the same except with old ladys and stereotypical black people as the passengers instead of Lenny and Carl. If you don't drive them in time they jump out of the car and dissapear into mid air, (Everywhere, you could be underwater and they'd rather drown then be a few seconds late.)
Another huge problem with this game is the soundtrack, two songs loop over and over and melt your brains. On the back of the case it says "Rocking sountrack from hit bands Offspring and Bad Religion". Hit Bands? Nobody has heard of either of them since 1995. So set your ipod to shuffle and turn the game's music to zero.
Probably the most annoying flaw in this game is the driving. the car takes 5-7 seconds to speed up and seems to take longer to stop. At almost every destination you overshoot the possible place to park so you have to take another 5 seconds to back into the spot. the arrow is another problem too, most of the time it doesnt point to what street to stay on but the direction the destination is exactly from where you are at. This game seriously needs a mini-map.
The game is rated T for Strong Language and Mild Violence, if you consider fender benders violent and old lady's calling you dorks strong language then they would be right. Overall this game is pretty good but it can really annoy the crap out of you. I'd give it 7.5 foul-mouthed grandmas out of 10